WEBVTT 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:02.880 The CDU and CSU faction 00:00:03.040 --> 00:00:04.560 has filed the motion, 00:00:04.720 --> 00:00:07.760 according to Article 67 of the Basic Law. 00:00:07.920 --> 00:00:10.280 The parliament will decide. 00:00:10.440 --> 00:00:13.320 The parliament has expressed its lack of confidence 00:00:13.480 --> 00:00:15.120 in Willy Brandt, 00:00:15.280 --> 00:00:17.400 and has voted for Dr Rainer Barzel 00:00:17.560 --> 00:00:19.680 to succeed him 00:00:19.840 --> 00:00:22.880 as Chancellor of the FRG. 00:00:23.520 --> 00:00:26.720 You all know that you cannot count on our votes 00:00:26.880 --> 00:00:28.720 in this matter. 00:00:29.400 --> 00:00:32.000 So please try to reach your objective 00:00:32.320 --> 00:00:34.280 with your own votes. 00:00:34.440 --> 00:00:37.440 Support your candidate 00:00:37.600 --> 00:00:39.080 in his climb to the top. 00:00:39.720 --> 00:00:43.400 Today we will decide on a new chancellor, 00:00:43.560 --> 00:00:46.880 and, I am convinced, on better policy-making. 00:00:47.400 --> 00:00:50.560 Historically, this government 00:00:50.720 --> 00:00:53.640 has justified its existence by the very fact 00:00:53.800 --> 00:00:57.160 that with a small majority it has managed to do 00:00:57.320 --> 00:01:00.080 what others with a large majority 00:01:00.240 --> 00:01:03.120 have not wanted or been able to achieve: 00:01:03.280 --> 00:01:04.800 We have helped the people 00:01:04.960 --> 00:01:09.080 to break their taboo barriers 00:01:09.240 --> 00:01:11.760 and lead them away from illusions. 00:01:12.720 --> 00:01:14.840 For the first time in the history of the FRG, 00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:17.960 an opposition leader is attempting to overthrow the Chancellor. 00:01:18.120 --> 00:01:21.360 He is relying mainly on wavering MPs in this. 00:01:21.520 --> 00:01:24.000 All MPs are present today. 00:01:29.200 --> 00:01:33.520 249 votes is the absolute majority that Rainer Barzel needs to win. 00:01:34.200 --> 00:01:37.560 The future of the FRG is being decided on. 00:01:42.600 --> 00:01:45.760 The SPD cheers. 247 votes have been counted. 00:01:46.080 --> 00:01:47.560 Not enough for Rainer Barzel. 00:01:47.880 --> 00:01:51.400 The showdown has failed. The government returns to normality. 00:01:52.000 --> 00:01:55.360 Collaboration, also on the upcoming treaty ratifications, 00:01:55.840 --> 00:01:57.840 now seems possible again. 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:03.600 Copyright © 2012 TITELBILD, Berlin Subtitles: L. Corper et al.