
Willy Brandt’s voice is an unmistakable trademark which still fascinates today. Listen to original recordings of speeches and interviews from six decades in which he tells about historical events and about his political experiences.

33 Entries

Speech of Willy Brandt in the German Bundestag in Bonn, 3 December 1952 More »

Willy Brandt’s appeal of to young Berliners, 16 April 1959 More »

Statement of Willy Brandt in the West Berlin House of Representatives on the closing of the border, 13 August 1961 More »

Speech of Willy Brandt in front of Schöneberg Town Hall against the construction of the Berlin Wall, 16 August 1961 More »

Speech of Willy Brandt in front of Schöneberg Town Hall on the occasion of John F. Kennedy’s Berlin visit, 26 June 1963 More »

Willy Brandt comments the first accord on travel passes in Berlin, 5 January 1964 More »

Willy Brandt on de Gaulle’s policy towards Eastern Europe in the 1960s More »

Willy Brandt looks back on the Grand Coalition in Bonn 1966–1969 More »

Policy statement of Willy Brandt before the German Bundestag in Bonn, 28 October 1969 (I) More »

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