
In various domains and in innumerable functions and offices, Willy Brandt was concerned with multifaceted issues of national and international politics. The following twelve topics stand out. Read about which political ideas and goals he pursued.

Willy Brandt steht zwischen Günter Grass und Walter Scheel. Schräg vor ihm spricht der Juso-Vorsitzende Wolfgang Roth. Fotografie in Schwarz-Weiß. Öffnet weitere Informationen zur Innen- und Gesellschaftspolitik.

“Dare more democracy” – Domestic and social policy 1969–1974

Reforms characterise Willy Brandt’s years as Chancellor. Civil liberties are expanded, more democratic participation is facilitated and the welfare state is strengthened. However, his reform policies run into economic limitations. The “Brandt Era” ends abruptly with the Chancellor’s resignation due to an espionage affair. More »

Willy Brandt steht zwischen Herbert Wehner und Helmut Schmidt. Hinter ihm steht halb verdeckt auf der Leinwand: „Den Erfolg fortsetzen. Willy Brandt muß Kanzler bleiben.“ Fotografie in Schwarz-Weiß. Öffnet weitere Informationen zu seiner Zeit als Vorsitzender der SPD.

For the party of freedom – Chairman of the SPD 1964–1987

Under Willy Brandt, the SPD develops into a modern left-leaning mainstream party which has up to one million members. From 1966 until 1982, it successfully bears government responsibility in Bonn. In the 1980s, Brandt sets the course for the SPD's new principal guidelines. More »

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